Monday, January 26, 2009


Captain Underpants said...

The little dude in the cowboy ha seems to be happy. Clearly unaware he's about to be attacked by the one breasted hare. Or is that a one-hared breast?

Captain Underpants said...

HAT... damn it.

el pancake said...

the yodelling mood strikes at the oddest of times.

Captain Underpants said...

Perhaps it is a very clever way of avoiding certain death, for who (or what), when ready to pounce and consume a Little Dude, could carry through such a deed if the prey suddenly belted out a fine yodel?

None, that's who!

You don't see this clever trick used near often enough. Batman and Robin (specifically the West/Ward version) could have gotten out of endless deadly jams doing precisely this.

el pancake said...

I, for one, would've enjoyed the onscreen demise of the very annoying Burt Ward.