well here it, is a full year of postings..now I'm tired..think I'll give it a rest for a while....I wanted to finish things up by posting a bit of flash animation I did, but it keeps coming up as "problem" here...not sure why, it's not that big a file..anyone know why this is happening?..maybe because it's old (done on Flash 4 about 7 years ago)?
...oh well..here is a poster for our upcoming gigs at the Cadillac Lounge, and just for Captain Underpants, I'm finally printing the elusive "mystery page" that kept teasing you for so long.
...you've earned it! A very illuminating year it was. Thanks.
you are FAR too kind, sir.
Thanks, Den, it's been a blast romping through your brain like this. And thanks much for the final reveal! I can now die a fulfilled man.
Now go take a well deserved rest and pop in here if/when you get inspired for short runs of something creative. No requirement to make it a huge installment of anything.
Maybe pics of your buttertarts and such or just gabbing about things that spark your fancy or peak your interest - as long as you don't get to feeling the blog "must" be updated. You don't get paid enough to turn this into "work".
I've picked up the RSS feed (bottom of this main area) so I'll be notified when something new pops in, so I'm all set.
Talk to you in the other addiction in the meantime.
so little time now with the band now taking up any spare moments
..I was thinking of making apple turnovers for dessert tonight (got some Indian food cooking as we speak)
...always nice to read your comments
Hi El P
Has it really been a year?
Thanks for all the swell drawings sir.
See you at the Cadillac Lounge!
you bet pal!
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